Cache Valley Strength & Conditioning

Established in 2008, CVSC is Cache Valley’s premier training facility with services ranging from personal training, program design, athletic team conditioning, HyperFit group classes and more.

Katie & Hart Wybrow

1. How did you find out about CVSC? 
Mason Smith 

2. What is your favorite exercise or workout?
Any workout that's longer than 10 minutes but ends short of throwing up. (Death by Calories is the absolute worst workout! 10 minutes and you want to throw up, but you're too tired to)

3. How long have you been a member at CVSC?
I think we started in 2015

4. What do you do for a living? 
I work for Logan City. Katie is a nurse for an OBGYN. 

5. What are your hobbies? 
Anything outside. We love to bike, hike, ski, chase our kids around, and go for walks with our dog. 

6. What are your goals? 
Keep moving! 

7. Why do you train? 
We love to be active. Training at CVSC supports everything we do outside the gym. 

8. Any advice for future members?
Consistency! Show up, make friends, and DO THE WORK!

Clint Goldsberry

1. How did you find out about CVSC? 
From a friend. Richard Spillman

2. What is your favorite exercise or workout?
Anything that motivates me to try harder. I really like not doing the same thing everyday. 

3. How long have you been a member at CVSC?
Almost 14 years

4. What do you do for a living? 
I’m retired 

5. What are your hobbies? 
Grandkids and all their activities, fishing, archery, being outdoors 

6. What are your goals?
To be healthy in old age and Keep up with grand kids activities. Keep up muscle mass. 

7. Why do you train? 
To reach my goals and feel good about accomplishing workouts each time. 

8. Any advice for future members?
Just be consistent. Get up and do it.