Andy Fauth
1. How did you find out about CVSC?
My old neighbor Klair Fullmer asked my wife to go, and then I tried it.
2. What is your favorite exercise or workout?
I don't know if I have a favorite, but anything with the Assault bike is right up my alley.
3. How long have you been a member at CVSC?
Since 2013
4. What do you do for a living?
R&D for a Medical Device Company. I spend a lot of time behind a desk or on airplanes, so getting my noon class in is a huge way to break up my day and get moving.
5. What are your hobbies?
Hunting, fishing, wakesurfing, snowboarding, and following my kids around to all of their sporting events.
6. What are your goals?
I've got old injuries and chronic joint issues from an immune condition, so my goal is to stay in front of all that, stay mobile, and always be strong enough to hike through the mountains with a heavy pack on my back.
7. Why do you train?
To stay in shape, relieve stress, and challenge myself. I'm very competitive and the workouts let me get a dose of competition (mainly against myself) and that motivation to push a little harder.
8. Any advice for future members?
Don't be intimidated, just show up, push yourself a little, and do your own best. Everybody has their own needs and goals and CVSC is a great place to find what works for you.